Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Remember when I spit up all over Dad at the McCallum House in Mendocino? Well, he didn't think that was too funny, so to make up for it, I pooed on his foot for Father's Day.

Turns out he was looking for something more traditional, so I also gave him this nice card -- I'm seen here adding the finishing touches (i.e. drool, bent corners, milk smell) to the envelope.

Grandma & Grandpa Scott came up to visit this weekend -- here's three generations of Scott boys, Father's Day 2009. You will perhaps notice the strong resemblance I have to Grandpa.

I also went to a really fun wedding this weekend for my Great-Grandfather's step-son -- John Vinton, and his lovely new wife Karen. Here I am with Dad, my prima Myella, and Tio Leyder. Take a good look at my cute outfit, because it didn't last long (yep, you guessed it -- I pooed through it!)

Here I am with Papa Gibney, still in my cute outfit, but you can tell from the look on my face that I'm working on something.

Here I am with Mom in my backup outfit -- I'm much happier now.

Also, here's something I thought you'd enjoy -- this is my cousin Cody, though we just call him Hollywood. He's hilarious. We have the same nose, so I hope that means I'll be hilarious too. In this photo he's dancing on the table in his tux (which I hear may be mine soon). He sleeps in those sun glasses. He's the coolest guy I know.

Mom is pretty proud of this photo -- she thinks it may be her best ever. Hollywood likes to make quick getaways (usually from the paparazzi) -- he moves so quick, his pants sometimes can't keep up with him. it doesn't seem to bother him. like i said, coolest guy I know.

You can see more photos from their wedding on mommy's Kodak Gallery page:
This weekend we're off to Seattle for Dan & Adrienne's wedding, and then the following weekend to Tahoe for 4th of July -- hopefully we'll get some more great photos to share.

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