In this photo you can start to see the differences developing between my prima Myella and me -- she has a wonderful dark complexion, beautiful hair, a very cute little bathing suit, and she's throwing some serious blue steel at the camera. I, on the other hand, am completely dishelved, butt white, none of my clothes match, my hair is a friggen mess, and I'm chattering like a drunken sailor. As you can see, Myella is about to slam my head into her fist and put me out of my misery.

But whatareyagonnado -- sometimes you just have to go with what you've got and make the most of it -- here I am entertaining the crowd (or at least myself) with a little number I call 'Lounging'

Now here's a kid that knows how to party -- this is my cousin Mason. He came out of photo-retirement to snag this shot with me. I'm pretty much just learning from the master here -- no need to pull out my own material when Mase is around.

Here I am later in the day hanging out with Nana -- I just told her my 'two ducks walk into a bar' joke -- she thought it was pretty funny.

For some strange reason, Papa and Daddy find it 'fun' to wake everyone up at the crack of dawn and drag them down to the lake to whiz around in a motorized bathtub dragging each other through the water. They won't let me go yet, but Mase checked it out and said it wasn't anything special.
Here's a shot of Papa getting ready to jump into the cold water at sunrise:30...

and a shot of dad soon thereafter...

I stayed on dry land and gave my stoller a try in big-kid-mode. I look like 5 lbs of potatoes in a 15 lb sack, but I'll grow into it.

So since I keep putting everything in my mouth...

...mom and dad decided to try giving me rice cereal...

Turns out the stuff is pretty good, so I'm adding it to my diet.
We came back from Tahoe on Sunday after a very relaxing 4 days of family, fun, and sun. It was a great trip -- we're already planning our return trip in August.
Later in the week, Mom, Dad and I met up with Casey and Kirsten Acker for a Giants game with Papa. We got to see Tim Linsecum pitch, which was really cool, as well as a few homeruns from the Giants. Here Papa is giving me a snack while dad downs a dog.

and here I am with the Acker sisters - I'm a pretty lucky guy...

Keep an eye out for my upcoming movie -- Rolling Over -- due out later this week!
WE were the lucky ones!!!