Mom, Dad, and I went to Dan & Adrienne's wedding at a farm in Tumwater, Washington. It was a wonderful trip -- the weather was beautiful, the wedding was a blast, there were lots of fun people, and best of all -- I got to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa again!
Here are Dan & Adrienne getting married. I missed this part because I was sleeping under a bush. That's Brother Barry doing the honors.

Here's Dad, Barry, and me after the ceremony -- Barry did a great job and he was pretty psyched about it. Dad's favorite part was when he interpreted Corintheans to espouse " is an action... so when you're having trouble with love, get some action..." You should've seen the look on Adrienne's face -- it was priceless!

I hung out with all sorts of cool people -- here's me with Dad and Ty Bookman -- this is the smartest guy you'll ever meet. He was also just inducted into the NYU Athletic Hall of Fame, which was pretty huge. He gave a great speech at the reception. He's an all-around talented guy.

After things calmed down, I got to hang out with the bride. Here we are making funny faces for the camera. She's really nice -- I like her -- I hope her and Dan move back to SF soon so we can hang out more.

Here's me with Ty's mom, Betsy -- she's an awesome lady. You will perhaps notice that I've found my feet -- I checked that off my list a week or so ago.

Here's a beautiful shot of the farm -- the land used to belong to Dan's uncle, who lived on the farm and raised cows for milk. Dan's uncle has since passed and left the small stone house to Dan and the farming land to the neighbors, Mel and Deb (who are really nice). This is hay, which they grow to feed the cattle (22 head). The Deschutes River runs through the front of the property and down into Olympia, where it cascades in a waterfall made famous by the Olympia Beer label. You can kayak/canoe from the house all the way down to the waterfall (I'll have to save that for a subsequent trip). I have a feeling we'll be going back to the farm when I get a little older.

Here I'm saying to Dad "put me in the hay, put me in the hay"

Dad does everything I tell him, so voila, here's me in the hay!

Grandma and Grandpa, who you may recall where at our house in SF last weekend, were on a trip through the Pacific Northwest and just happened be in Olympia at the same time as us -- great timing! They came to the farm with us on Sunday for brunch.
On Sunday we toured more of the farm -- here's Grandpa and me checking out some equipment -- this thing spins around and aerates the cut hay so that it dries in the field before bailing .

Here we are at a cool little (or should I say tiny) sitting shack in the hills overlooking the river. That's me in the front-pack, in case you couldn't see me.

It also just so happened to be Grandma & Grandpa's 40th wedding anniversary, so to celebrate we took them to an early dinner in Olympia. On our way we passed this cool little plaza that spits water up in the air. Despite my best efforts, neither mom nor dad would take me through, but they promised to bring me back when I'm a little older.

After a very nice dinner, we packed up and headed for the airport. We unfortunately didn't account for traffic and had to hussle to make our flight. Here's a photo of Mt. Rainier from the freeway as we sat in traffic. Fortunately, we just made the flight.

It was a great weekend -- I'm definitely looking forward to another trip to the PNW.
By the way, I turned 5 months old on this trip! For those who are interested, I'm starting to grow a lot of new hair (to replace the mullet that Dad cut off), I may be getting a tooth soon, and I'm starting to make some sounds that resemble actual words. I still have a lot of work to do, but I'm transitioning from a baby to a little boy and it feels great. I've got my sights set on crawling, but I'm taking it one step at a time...
Love to everyone!