Current age: 4 months plus 1 week plus a few days
Here's me in my pajamas:
Here's me trading kisses with daddy:
Hanging out at China Beach looking for sandcrabs:

Here's me in my pajamas:
Here's me trading kisses with daddy:
Things I'm currently working on:
1. sitting up
2. high notes
3. figuring out whether I'm left or right handed (dad thinks left, mom is undecided)
4. choosing a hair color (dad thinks red, mom thinks blond)
5. working formula into my diet (so mom can get something done during the day)
6. finding my feet
7. neck strength
8. Jordan Pale Ale #4
Check out my latest film (low resolution so Grandma & Grandpa can watch!)
Now that Dad is on paternity leave and taking care of me a few days a week while mom is at work, I've had to develop my communication skills beyond 'crying = give me a boob.'
Here's what I have so far:
a. smiling and laughing = i'm happy and entertained, keep up the good work
b. intense continuous crying = i'm hungry, break out the bottle and it better be 6 ounces
c. hat pulled down over my eyes = it's bright out, can you put the shade up
d. crying while tugging at my collar = i need to burp, give me a few whacks on the back
e. thumb in the mouth, finger on the nose = i'm feeling cute, take a picture and send it to mom
f. intermittent crying with squirming = i need to poo, i hope you installed the diaper correctly
g. guilty smile = i just pooped -- my job is done, your turn
h. fussy = i need a new diaper, this one's finished
i. fussy still = i need some new scenery, let's go for a walk
j. crying while rubbing my eyes = i'm tired, break out the lullabies
1. sitting up
2. high notes
3. figuring out whether I'm left or right handed (dad thinks left, mom is undecided)
4. choosing a hair color (dad thinks red, mom thinks blond)
5. working formula into my diet (so mom can get something done during the day)
6. finding my feet
7. neck strength
8. Jordan Pale Ale #4
Check out my latest film (low resolution so Grandma & Grandpa can watch!)
Now that Dad is on paternity leave and taking care of me a few days a week while mom is at work, I've had to develop my communication skills beyond 'crying = give me a boob.'
Here's what I have so far:
a. smiling and laughing = i'm happy and entertained, keep up the good work
b. intense continuous crying = i'm hungry, break out the bottle and it better be 6 ounces
c. hat pulled down over my eyes = it's bright out, can you put the shade up
d. crying while tugging at my collar = i need to burp, give me a few whacks on the back
e. thumb in the mouth, finger on the nose = i'm feeling cute, take a picture and send it to mom
f. intermittent crying with squirming = i need to poo, i hope you installed the diaper correctly
g. guilty smile = i just pooped -- my job is done, your turn
h. fussy = i need a new diaper, this one's finished
i. fussy still = i need some new scenery, let's go for a walk
j. crying while rubbing my eyes = i'm tired, break out the lullabies
Here are some recent shots of my best work:
Practicing my 'old man' face:
Trying to draw milk from Daddy's chin (self portrait while cracking up):
Braced for high speed maneuvering on the Streets of San Francisco:
I've had enough of Daddy's driving, my turn! Where's 1st gear?
Hanging out at China Beach looking for sandcrabs:

Passed out in my swing after a long day of fun:
This. is. HILARIOUS. The communication translated, the picture of J-man looking for sandcrabs...and don't even get me STARTED on the documentary, complete with end credits. I've now forced every single person I know to watch it. You have DEF got to post more--I can't get enough!