Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Remember when I spit up all over Dad at the McCallum House in Mendocino? Well, he didn't think that was too funny, so to make up for it, I pooed on his foot for Father's Day.

Turns out he was looking for something more traditional, so I also gave him this nice card -- I'm seen here adding the finishing touches (i.e. drool, bent corners, milk smell) to the envelope.

Grandma & Grandpa Scott came up to visit this weekend -- here's three generations of Scott boys, Father's Day 2009. You will perhaps notice the strong resemblance I have to Grandpa.

I also went to a really fun wedding this weekend for my Great-Grandfather's step-son -- John Vinton, and his lovely new wife Karen. Here I am with Dad, my prima Myella, and Tio Leyder. Take a good look at my cute outfit, because it didn't last long (yep, you guessed it -- I pooed through it!)

Here I am with Papa Gibney, still in my cute outfit, but you can tell from the look on my face that I'm working on something.

Here I am with Mom in my backup outfit -- I'm much happier now.

Also, here's something I thought you'd enjoy -- this is my cousin Cody, though we just call him Hollywood. He's hilarious. We have the same nose, so I hope that means I'll be hilarious too. In this photo he's dancing on the table in his tux (which I hear may be mine soon). He sleeps in those sun glasses. He's the coolest guy I know.

Mom is pretty proud of this photo -- she thinks it may be her best ever. Hollywood likes to make quick getaways (usually from the paparazzi) -- he moves so quick, his pants sometimes can't keep up with him. it doesn't seem to bother him. like i said, coolest guy I know.

You can see more photos from their wedding on mommy's Kodak Gallery page:
This weekend we're off to Seattle for Dan & Adrienne's wedding, and then the following weekend to Tahoe for 4th of July -- hopefully we'll get some more great photos to share.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

June 13/14, 2009 - Mendocino

What!? We're going to Mendocino? Can lamb come?

First stop: Anderson Valley Brewing, Boonville for a picnic under the oak trees.

How is the pale ale at this place Dad?

This is our quintissential Mendocino shot -- under the oak tree with the vineyards in the background. That's me in the Bjorn.

We're also checking out the disc golf course. If you're too drunk to stand on your own, they have these convenient boots to stand in while you tee off. You're on your own after that.

Dad test-drives the 16th tee.

Our first encounter with hops. Apparently they grow really tall.

On to Mendocino and the Big River. This is Mom and me hanging out on the headland. I'm sticking my tongue out at daddy because he keeps making fun of my hat.

This is the mouth of the Big River down below. Next time I'm bringing my boogie board.

This is Mom and me with our cheese and fruit plate on the patio at the Mendocino Hotel. This is a great spot to look out over the ocean and watch the sunset.

This is me, looking cute.

This is Dad and me sipping on our bottles.

This is me in my after-dinner jacket. Thumb in the mouth, finger on the nose, looking cute -- better take a photo.

Dad and I got up early this morning and did a surf check. The surf was good so I went back and quietly waited for mom to wake up while dad paddled out. Mom and I came back later and watched him.

This is Mom and me strolling downtown Mendocino on our way to breakfast.

This is Dad and me at the McCallum house waiting for our (okay, his) cornmeal pancakes. Shortly after this photo I spit up all over dad and the floor. I thought it was funny. so did the lady next to us. dad failed to see the humor. he gave me back to mom.

After breakfast we went for a walk up the bike trail along the Big River and then headed up to Fort Bragg to scope out the Skunk Railroad and North Coast Brewing Co. I haven't been on a train yet, but I hear it's cool -- kinda like me in these shades. If you look close, you can see mom's reflection :)

I liked Mendocino -- there's going to be lots for me to do when I get bigger -- playing on the beach, riding my bike, flying kites, paddling in a canoe, whale watching, riding the train -- all sorts of great stuff. I can't wait until my next trip!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7, 2009

Current age: 4 months plus 1 week plus a few days

Here's me in my pajamas:

Here's me trading kisses with daddy:

Things I'm currently working on:
1. sitting up
2. high notes
3. figuring out whether I'm left or right handed (dad thinks left, mom is undecided)
4. choosing a hair color (dad thinks red, mom thinks blond)
5. working formula into my diet (so mom can get something done during the day)
6. finding my feet
7. neck strength
8. Jordan Pale Ale #4

Check out my latest film (low resolution so Grandma & Grandpa can watch!)

Now that Dad is on paternity leave and taking care of me a few days a week while mom is at work, I've had to develop my communication skills beyond 'crying = give me a boob.'
Here's what I have so far:
a. smiling and laughing = i'm happy and entertained, keep up the good work
b. intense continuous crying = i'm hungry, break out the bottle and it better be 6 ounces
c. hat pulled down over my eyes = it's bright out, can you put the shade up
d. crying while tugging at my collar = i need to burp, give me a few whacks on the back
e. thumb in the mouth, finger on the nose = i'm feeling cute, take a picture and send it to mom
f. intermittent crying with squirming = i need to poo, i hope you installed the diaper correctly
g. guilty smile = i just pooped -- my job is done, your turn
h. fussy = i need a new diaper, this one's finished
i. fussy still = i need some new scenery, let's go for a walk
j. crying while rubbing my eyes = i'm tired, break out the lullabies
Here are some recent shots of my best work:
Practicing my 'old man' face:

Trying to draw milk from Daddy's chin (self portrait while cracking up):
Braced for high speed maneuvering on the Streets of San Francisco:

I've had enough of Daddy's driving, my turn! Where's 1st gear?

Hanging out at China Beach looking for sandcrabs:

Pit-stop at the Legion of Honor Museum (aka Big Alma's Junk):

Passed out in my swing after a long day of fun:

Now get outta here and go do something fun!