This weekend we joined Mason and Cody for a BBQ and sleepover at Nana & Papa's house in Berkeley. We also went to mom's firm's summer BBQ.
Here are some fun photos:
You know how most people laugh in 1st gear, and occassionally make it into 2nd or 3rd gear? Well this is dad, flat out in 5th gear!

Here's Papa, Myella, and me chillin on the back deck. I took sip of Papa's beer while he was distracted by the camera (don't tell him).

Here's me and Tio Leyder spending some quality time on the couch...

Sunday morning -- just the boys -- making pancakes and talking story...

At the LFLRJ Summer Picnic -- Jeff Lewis was trying to make me spitup on his head, but it didn't work -- I kept it down. Maybe next year...

Nina, me, Dashiell Jackson, and Angelica -- D and I coordinated outfits on the phone beforehand...

Back home after a long weekend -- time for a bath...
Check out these kickers!

All clean -- have a good week!